“Sole” Mates: Turning a Potential PR Crisis into an Opportunity

Murray State University is home to one of the most romantic college traditions in the country – in fact, the Shoe Tree was ranked #3 on a list of the top 25 most romantic college traditions. This beloved campus tradition has weathered many changes throughout the years, but plans to dismantle the tree in the fall of 2015 was perhaps the most devastating.

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How Institutions Responded to the SCOTUS Marriage Equality Ruling

On Friday, June 26, the Supreme Court handed down the much-anticipated ruling granting marriage equality to same-sex couples nationwide. Soon after, the social media world was flooded with rainbow-colored content from the White House to the biggest brands. Reactions from higher ed seem to be a little more varied, ranging from silence to inviting campus to share their reactions using a special hashtag.

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