Need Inspiration? 3 Talks on Creativity

This January, independent school professionals will gather in Anaheim, California, for the 48th Annual CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference. They’ll explore every angle of advancement, from cultivating major gifts to building effective alumni boards to strengthening volunteer ties.

They’ll also have the chance to examine the big-picture concepts that shape schools today, impacting students, alumni, prospective families and donors. Here are three talks from CASE-NAIS keynote speakers on one of those ideas: creativity.

Creativity and Hands-On Learning 

The Maker Movement promotes innovation and hands-on learning. Recently, the maker mindset has been making its way into more classrooms around the world. Dale Dougherty, founder and CEO of Maker Media, Inc., has been at the forefront of the movement since 2005. In his keynote at CASE-NAIS, he’ll explore the role of creative learning in strengthening schools and communities.

Here’s his 2011 TED Talk, “We Are Makers.”

Creativity and the Danger of Over-Parenting

As they attempt to guide their children through school and college, too many parents hover and overload their kids with expectations, according to CASE-NAIS keynote speaker Julie Lythcott-Haims.

“Parents feel a kid can’t be successful unless the parent is protecting them at every turn,” says Lythcott-Haims, bestselling author and former Stanford University dean of freshmen. “Our kids end up leading a checklisted childhood.”

Instead, kids need the space to be creative, resourceful learners. Watch her TED Talk for insights on how to empathize with stressed parents and help students succeed.

Creativity and Storytelling

As one of the two directors responsible for Disney’s hit 1994 film, The Lion King, Rob Minkoff knows a thing or two about storytelling. The process of weaving a compelling narrative—as advancement professionals do about students, alumni and donor experiences—is not always hakuna matata.

In his CASE-NAIS keynote, Minkoff will explore the power of storytelling and how to harness a team’s creative talents to craft more powerful stories.

In this interview, Minkoff discusses the process of filmmaking. (For more on storytelling, watch these other top TED videos from masters of the craft.)


Join us at the CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference in Anaheim to hear insights from these speakers and many more. Early-bird registration has been extended to Wednesday, Dec. 20.




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